A geometric colorful coffee mug is held by Alexa. Her nails are painted green and she is wearing gold rings.


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Don’t feel like reading? Here, I’ll read it to you

Hello! Welcome! Thank you for being here!

It means so much more to me than you know.

I started this blog because I truly believe there is power in our stories. There were so many times that other people’s stories or shared experiences were my survival guide. They helped me to push through, dream about what life could be, and inspired me to live a life different from what I was anticipating.

I write as honestly and humanly as I can. I aim for people to read my writing and feel understood, heard, and relatable– and if you can’t relate, well I hope it’s at least entertaining.

I want people who don’t struggle with mental illness to better understand the people who do. I want people who do struggle with mental illness to see someone who made it through, time and time again. Sometimes knowing it was possible for someone else is what made me push through when I didn’t even know why I did.

My goal is for people to believe their dreams are achievable. I want you to see that you are capable of being the person you want to be and living the life you want to have. I’ve come to believe that about myself and my own life and I’ve never been more excited about life.

 I didn’t create this space because I think my experiences are entirely unique, but because I think they’re not. Sure, maybe not everyone has scaled an active volcano or hopped on the back of a stranger’s motorcycle in Italy. But people have felt the things I have felt, good and bad. They know how it feels to belly laugh uncontrollably. They know how it feels to have a pit in their stomach, right where that belly laugh used to be. They know how it feels to be on top of the world and they know how it feels to be deep at the bottom of it. I don’t have it all figured out, but I do have it a little figured out. I’m learning more every day and I’m taking you along with me. 

Welcome 🙂

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