Enjoy a breathtaking sunset in Florence, Italy while staying at Ostello Bello Florence.

Solo Backpacking Europe: Week 7 in Florence, Italy

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After Rome, I headed to Florence. Florence was a place of both calm and chaos, but good chaos. Fun chaos. Chosen chaos. Allow me to elaborate.

The calm

Florence was calming to me because I had lived there when I studied abroad. Now, some people may try to debate that I “lived” there as I only ended up being there for a month and a half before I got launched out of the country (I’m talking about you, March 2020). But in going there, I had prepped to be there for much longer. I had an apartment, I went to class, I had a favorite grocery store, I picked out my go-to stands at the market, and I knew my way around without google maps; I lived there. I even had a few local friends.

Normally I probably wouldn’t go to a place I’ve been before on travel like this, but I had a promise to fulfill.

When we got sent home from study abroad due to the pandemic, everyone promised they’d come back. In the back of my head, I knew a lot of people wouldn’t. I was determined to follow through. One thing that’s important to me is doing what I say I’m going to do.

So, a year and a half later, I did it; I came back. I walked my old routes, I went to my old apartment, and I showed my hostel friends my favorite shops and restaurants I’d pop into on the way home from class. The most special moment for me in this walk down memory lane was when I went to the market.  I was determined to visit this biscotti stand I used to visit

  1. Because I became friends with Emily who worked there
  2. Because their biscotti is delightful.

It’s kind of a maze in there and after a few laps, I was losing hope of finding it. I feared the business hadn’t made it through the pandemic and closed shop. But just as I was about to give up, I stumbled upon it. Emily recognized me instantly (We are friends on Facebook, to be fair.) We hugged and it was such a full-circle moment. Almost 2 years before, I came and told her my heart was heavy in leaving, but I’d be back. Then, there I was, fulfilling that promise I made both to her, and myself.

Alexa stands in front of the Duomo in Florence, Italy
Taken when I was studying in Florence
Emily & I at the market

Florence was also a nice place to relax. Since I had already seen most of the sights there, I wasn’t so stressed about doing a whole lot in the few days I was there. I was comfortable here, and that is a rarity when solo backpacking.

If you are going to Florence, you MUST visit the Duomo, the Uffizi, Ponte Vecchio, Palazzo Vecchio, the Basilica of Santa Croche, Piazza Della Signoria, Michelangelo’s David at Accademia Gallery, and watch the sunset at Piazzale Michelangelo. Just to name a few of the big ones.

…and promise me that you’ll get gelato every day. (but NOT anywhere near the duomo or big tourist attractions)

I stayed at Ostello Bello Firenze which will always have a piece of my heart. The staff there- bellissimo! I love you too, Ostello Bello.

The BEST panini in all of Italy
Standing in front of my old apartment

The Chaos

Now, for the chaos.

Good chaos. Those “The time I…got a tattoo in a hostel kitchen” and “The time we…threw a pool party in a hostel bathtub” come from Florence.


Who was behind this nonsense? None other than my dear friend Minke. Minke had noticed she had a huge bathtub in her dorm, which is super odd and rare, and had this dream to take a bath. Everyone was fascinated by this dorm bathtub. Who on earth would use this? Then we thought, wait…why wouldn’t we use it? So, Minke and I went to Tutto a 99 Cent for some party decorations and PAM local for only the finest of bottom-shelf champagnes. Then, we told everyone about the party going down in room 3. We had an incredible turnout. Bubble bath, colorful lights, champagne, pumpin’ music…we even had a fire going on the iPad. It was legendary. I don’t think there was anyone in the hostel that didn’t at least poke their head in. To my Ostello Bello famiglia- the 4 Non Blondes wanted me to ask you, What’s Going On?!


Yes, it was sanitary. I may make some risky decisions but I’m not an idiot! In our hostel, I became friends with some girls who were traveling together; a tattoo artist and her apprentice. They had all the professional equipment and means to make it sanitary and safe. 

They set up a little spot at a table in the kitchen because it had the best lighting and clear space. To support our dear apprentice, a few people staying at the hostel allowed her to give them tattoos. Myself included. I contemplated it a lot until finally, I thought, when will I ever get the chance to get a tattoo in a hostel kitchen again? Probably never. So I did it. (It’s called supporting local artists, yo!) I just got a little smiley face on the base of my foot. It makes me happy when I look at it and reminds me of a time when I was really happy and really let go. Enisa and Laura are really kick-ass tattoo artists so go check them out

That night, I also had the privilege of making dinner for some friends. It was really simple, just some pasta and veggies the hostel had provided, but it was really nice. It was a way for me to give love and talk to some people I wouldn’t have otherwise.

Coincidentally, this was the day I was supposed to be getting on a plane back to America. But since some friends of mine somehow convinced me to visit Germany in the winter, I extended my trip (this is not ill feelings toward Germany, this is ill feelings toward being cold.) With that, it was time to get my ass to Berlin! I said goodbye to my pals and went on my way.

Until next time. Check out the scrapbook for pictures from Florence both when I was student and when I returned as a backpacker.

with love, Joj


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Solo Backpacking Europe: Week 7 in Florence, Italy

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An “Eat, Pray, Love” Thanksgiving in Berlin

See pics in the scrapbook

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